
BlogPatrol Recovery Operations Underway

Want to complain to me? http://www.myspace.com/parasane

UPDATE - Our site is tracking stats
again as of 8 pm EDT (New York City time) on March 21, 2006. We will
turn on access to the user reports within the next 24 hours. Thank you.

On Monday morning, March 20, 2006, BlogPatrol.com upgraded to a new server
that unfortunately had a faulty hard disk. Our service and email are down right now
because we are repairing the web pages and files that were damaged on the faulty disk.

Our database is safe and secure on a separate disk in a different server, however, we must fix
the damaged files before we are able to get operational again.

We apologize for this interruption in service.

    創作者 morgivan 的頭像

    Ivan's Blog 請改連:http://blog.roodo.com/morgivan

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